
MetalLB was created by Dave Anderson. We are thankful for his efforts to create MetalLB as a valuable contribution to the Kubernetes ecosystem. Ongoing MetalLB development and maintenance is led by a team of current maintainers.

MetalLB maintainers are participants in the project with the ability to approve changes to the MetalLB code base. The current list of maintainers can be found in the MetalLB CODEOWNERS file.

Maintainer Expectations

An active maintainer should:

  • Actively participate in reviewing pull requests and incoming issues. Note that there are no hard rules on what is “active enough” and this is left up to the judgement of the current group of maintainers.

  • Actively participate in discussions about design and the future of the project.

  • Take responsibility for backports to appropriate branches for PRs they approve and merge.

  • Do their best to follow all code, testing, and design conventions as determined by consensus among active maintainers.

  • Gracefully step down from their maintainership role when they are no longer planning to actively participate in the project.

Adding New Maintainers

New maintainers are added by consensus among the current group of maintainers. This can be done via a private discussion via Slack or email. A majority of maintainers should support the addition of the new person, and no single maintainer should object to adding the new maintainer.

When adding a new maintainer, we should:

  • Add to CODEOWNERS in MetalLB relevant repos (e.g. metallb and metallb-operator) and to the MetalLB github org itself.

  • Open a PR to adding the maintainer there. You can use this PR as an example of what needs to be done.

  • Create an account for CNCF service desk (TODO: check how to do this and document it here!).

  • Grant permissions on (TODO: check how to do this and document it here!) and bot accounts.

The new maintainer should subscribe to:

Removing Maintainers

It is normal for maintainers to come and go based on their other responsibilities. Inactive maintainers may be removed if there is no expectation of ongoing participation. If a former maintainer resumes participation, they should be given quick consideration for re-adding to the team.

If there becomes a conflict among maintainers that may lead to removal, active maintainers should first work to resolve the conflict. If absolutely necessary, a maintainer may be removed by a majority vote of existing maintainers.

Please see all the places that a maintainer was added, to remove them. Consider rotating any shared password if needed.